2. Entry, safety & how we go on
Who cares..?
WHQ is the longest running Club in Newcastle & one of the longest running Clubs in the country.
If you've read our mind blowing history section, you'll know that WHQ is a Black owned Nightclub, one with a long history, evolving from & rooted in the city's original Gay & Black music scenes. We operate with multiracial leadership & a female led staff team.
We are also 100% independent, so we have our own rules & a long established culture in how we do (& have always done) things.
Entry to WHQ
You'll see this sign (below) by our front door & behind the box office.
It may seem really formal in tone, but that's appropriate, so we are crystal clear in what we expect from everyone who visits us. The reason the Club is as safe it can possibly be, is because we keep it that way & this section of our site is important.
So have a little read....

WHQ is wheelchair accessible. We have an access ramp available for the three steps at our front doors & door staff always willing to assist if required. Inside there is a lift available to take you between the floors & our accessible washroom facilities are on the ground floor.
If you have more specific access needs, please feel free to e mail us on hello@welovewhq.com in advance of your visit.

Please be aware that flashing lighting may be in use at Club nights. We have quiet space available too, if you need to take time out, away from the Club vibe & as with any issue you may encounter in WHQ, just ask any member of staff & they'll be more than happy to assist.
What the boys need to bear in mind
This sign is prominently displayed in our male toilets.
It clearly lays out what we expect from the fellas who come here. We may well live in what could be described as a 'patriarchal' society - but that ends on our front step.
In WHQ all people will be treated with respect.

Girl's talk
This sign is prominently displayed in our ladies toilets. It is self explanatory.