Our website
Hi Chums & a great big welcome to the all new, far-out, phone friendly, easy to get around WHQ website.
You’ll be amazed at all the mad stuff in here – Honestly, it’s properly bananas, really interesting & a fab, mad, enlightening, little read...!

It’s a massive body of work, full of cool stories, dope images, funny & bizarre stuff, about what we get up to today & got up to way back in the day…

If you are currently reading a good book, put it down now... We promise that we have a much better one for you, right here, in the pages of this site.
At any point you can hit the 'menu' icon & find any section.
Hit 'more' to see the full section content list.
Then just hit 'next' at the bottom of any page to guide you through the site - Simples... x

Independent, True & Respectful of Giants
WHQ Club is totally separate from the rest of the city & do our own unique, racially harmonic thing, in the same friendly way we have for decades. As we’re independent, we can & do say what we like.
Thanks for visiting us. As you’ll see, this Club is what we have chosen to do with our lives – so we hope you’ll fall in love with World HQ Club.
We built it right here, especially for you, in the hope that you would… x
We stand on the shoulders & in the light of all the great musicians, artists, inspirational human beings & pillars of nature, that we as a Club represent…
So every single word you will read on this site is true.

All About This Groove
We aim to give you a window into the life of the city’s best Club & an underground Newcastle, much of which you may well never have known even existed…
We update our site regularly with details of all our antics & cool things to look at & read.
It’s also the first place we announce all our upcoming, independently promoted Clubnights, fashion shows, A-list events, art exhibitions & any other mad stuff we think is interesting, fun & worth a peek.
Be sure to check out Stuff We Like & get an good idea of the things we are into, so you can get to know us better.

If you are maybe interested in knowing the reasons why & how we created WHQ & what this Club means to Newcastle..? Get your mind blown by checking out the complete World HQ story, in the 'Our History' section in the top menu.
It’s a top, top narrative of the life, times & evolution of this unique little Club & underground subculture, spanning right across the last 5 decades in Newcastle.

There is a lot of far-out content on this site, all of it super easy to find and read...
So do feel free to have a good mooch about & see how we’ve got on, in our never ending, obsessive quest, to make a difference by turning people on & adding lasting value & diversity to nightlife in Newcastle.
Is It Rocket Science...?
No, large bits of it are just funny (Reader’s voice: are you sure..?!) & daft, like our Complaint Corner section.

We aim to give you real insight into what we are are motivated by & how WHQ Club came to exist in the first place.
Clearly presenting, just why we choose to do what we do, the way that we do, for people like you.
OK, are you ready...?
You may think that you know Newcastle..? But things are not always what they seem…

A Snapshot of Who We Are...
WHQ Club, just like our website - is deep.
So here's a quick synopsis, to give you a brief idea of the background to what we do...
Basically the deal with us is, we’ve run Clubs up here longer than anyone else & have stayed completely independent, evolving outside of & parallel to, what most people perceive to be the Newcastle ’scene’.
As we take pleasure in demonstrating, World Headquarters in every sense & on every level – is nothing like any other place in this City.

We use the established media as little as possible, existing on word of mouth, recommendation & just being generally friendly, positive & consistent in our things.

We operate firmly outside of the corporate mainstream, in terms of both our music, all the diverse & different events we promote at World Headquarters Club & the cutting edge arts projects our building facilitates.

To find out more about WHQ Club or Hiring the Venue click the menu & find out all about our fantastic weekends, top notch midweek events & how you can be involved too.

We’ve worked hard to build & evolve our girl friendly, all inclusive, credible & cosmopolitan alternative to Newcastle’s stereotyped, macho, cod nightlife, out of 80’s boredom, a strong desire for racial harmony, hard work & a big box of fab records.

Have a nice visit, take time to go deep & thanks again, for thinking of us & popping in to see all our mad things.
Almost forgot..! Just so you can recognise us, here’s our most recent staff photo…

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything...