
We have a long & unrivaled Halloween tradition at WHQ. We are the spookiest, everyone knows it & that is that. Each year we hold a mad costume competition & dish out crazy prizes.

We are still in the process of uploading all the previous years images & reviews to this new site, so please bear with us, as it's a flippin' massive job. Not quite yet, but very soon, you'll be able to click on any year, to see the amazing costume photos from that chapter of this mad annual event & read the gushing & ultra harsh (in places) narration.

Halloween @ WHQ is a lot more than just a night out & a costume competition - it borders on a being a true 'cult.'

Halloween 2018

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Ha..! A right gimp indeed..! Whilst he does definitely suit the look & it's lovely for him to share this slightly perverted hobby of his with us, it's more laughable than it is unnerving...

Halloween 2009

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Mr DIdn't Really Get The 'Costume Party' Bit

Couldn’t possibly be more lame & poor… ‘What was your costume..?’ ‘Who, me? I came as a drunken bum…’ He’s let himself down, his family down, all of his ancestors, let’s face it, he’s let us all down…

Halloween 2010

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Spooky Cat

Excellent posing skills on show here. Posetastic!

Halloween 2011

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Not a lot of blood on the go here, but given her outfit she most probably drowned & was then maybe nibbled a bit by some fish.

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