History & Culture

Time for a new website 2021

A lockdown baby

As you can obviously see, over the 18 month Covid lockdown, we kept ourselves busy working on this superfly, fab new site for you all. It’s now much easier to get about than the old one & is 100% phonetastic.

Yup, it sure does look good on a phone.

There are still massive chunks we need to transfer over from the old site (all the Halloweens / Complaint Corner / Stuff we like etc.) but as it has really been such fun to do, we thought we would share the new site with you all now & then just keep topping it up.

So we’ll keep adding to it consistently in the coming weeks, until all the missing info from the old site, tonnes of brand new content & loads more fab History is uploaded too.

Check out the 'Mr Policeman Badger' bits in History, to get a good idea of the standard of 100% true & hilarious new content we will be adding.

New pages will be adding every week.

So, lockdown wasn't all bad...

We hope you are enjoying the new site, taking the time to dig deep & having a fun read.

The idea is for it to blow your mind, keep us close as a crew & help us all to get through any difficult times. Just a few little visits, to read a little few yarns & one on ones, so we can all get by.

Trust us, it's gonna end up really far out by the time we finish it all, so we hope you will consider this brand new site as our little gift to you x.

Don't just clap & bang them pans... Use your vote every chance you get, to force the Government to pay them more loot.

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