History & Culture

It’s like a city center & it’s 21 years later

Good Karma

So, the City’s new Bus Station was a month late & now in 2023, the new Haymarket Metro has been finished for ages. Thankfully, the city also got to retain & upgrade it’s best ever Club & they all lived happily ever after...

Really..?!! - Really.

After all that jungle scuffling, you wouldn’t believe it, but we are actually great pals with the main dude from the (Greedy Crocodile… Ha!) development company now.

Eh..?! We sure didn't see that coming..!

It’s true..!

These days, a full 21 years later, the whole city has changed & our paths crossed yet again…

Photos of the completed St James Boulevard Bus Station and Haymarket Metro Station
St James Boulevard Bus Station & the Haymarket Development being a month late, ensured the survival of WHQ Club.

Full Circle

He now Chairs the Board of the Newcastle Business Improvement District Company NE1 That we’ve been involved with since it's inception in 2009.

It’s the one that works to improve the City Center, doing stuff like…

Putting free Table Tennis tables all over town, Restaurant Week, Alive after 5, Street Clean Teams, Screen on the Green, the Motor Show, the City Marina, Quayside Seaside, The Bigg Market & Central Station renovations, The NE1 Website, NE1 Magazine & a load of other cool stuff.

NE1 branded table tennis table in Northumberland Street
You gotta love NE1 kids...

It’s a fab organisation that we both now come together on, along with a properly crack Staff Team & many other Newcastle business bods, to help improve, promote & develop the city center as an international destination.

Poster advertising Newcastle Restaurant Week

He’s called Adam & these days, we get along really well & have a great mutual respect for one another. How times change – Mad huh..?

So in the end, respect, natural justice, common sense & Karma prevailed & absolutely everyone won.

A printed sign detailing the Club move
A moving little sign from the Old Club just before we moved across town in 2003 - check the last 4 words.

After all this time, we're pretty sure he forgives us for calling him a Croc way back then… Ha! With all that being over yonks ago & time moving on, he’s actually now moved up in our estimation & progressed to the title of ‘Honorary Ape.’

We both know, that whole stressful chapter was just a thing called 'life.'

Adam Oct 2022 - Geezer's deffo better looking these days.

Anyhow, we digress - time to hit 'next' & you'd best fetch yourself a hankie...

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