It’s original, it’s homemade & there’s elements of gore & blood, but we’re not particularly scared...

 One of your cast seems to have turned up dressed as MC Hammer..? Which loses you points automatically, for not remaining in tandem, which is one of the most important rules of this spook-a-thon's Ensemble category... What was the crack with that? Either you all wear bloodstained lab coats, or net vests & chains, there is no middle ground. The Legoheads did add greatly to the event on the night though, scurrying around the Club like a gang of nutters, forcing their way into the DJ booth & placing one of their heads on Tommy the DJ (a surreal moment). They also hold the distinction of being the only competitors in this year's competition to mercilessly hassle us to finish the write up, even when they knew full well we were dead busy organising the amazing (8000 people in Leazes Park - you had to be there) Newcastle Unity Festival, which held up our progress in writing & launching the competition. Having shown us no mercy we shouldn't really show them any... But we will, 'cos we're nice, they were too & added a genuinely punkish element to the festivities.

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