Colonel Mustard & His Fairly Dead-ucated Chums

This is probably out of a film. Or is it a living embodiment of that board game Cluedo..?

This is a really great photo, with a nice varied cast. The high points of which (as you will agree upon enlargement) are the Colonel's hair, the sheen on his chum's pipe bowl, the soft focus stare of the central corpse bride & to top it all off, we even have actual "gum sheen" from the young lady wielding the blade. 

It's one of those photos that just gives & gives & gives. You've got the Vicar in the background, the cool stance of the Candlestick Teacher & every time we look at it, it raises more questions... 

The most pressing of which is where on earth might that bloodied stick, that's being held up there, behind the Colonel, just have been inserted..?

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