Doesn't he look pleased with himself..?!

He's probably thinking, Look at me with my fly zip face! I'm so cool & so original! I bet no one's seen this before..!' He thinks he has this thing won... Given that we all have seen it done before, as we have the privilege of having had this competition won by 5*Zip Girl (cue - all readers stand & bow at the very mention of her name...) last year. He's on his own with that most insane of notions... His zip does not merge with his noggin & he has made no effort to blend it in with make up. His bloodwork, though extensive, is undermined by the fact that he appears to have something of a beard there, growing (what is supposed to be) under his skin..? Nah, we can't be having that. One thing that is spooky is the fact he must be totally insane... Totally insane to think he could hijack last year's winning look & serve up a far, far, inferior rendition this year & get away with it. Cocky, but misguided in the extreme. We bet 5* Zip Girl (cue-clouds parting & a divine light shines over the land at the very mention of her name...) is laughing her face off...!

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